Eat Shrooms

How To Eat Shrooms?

Magic mushrooms contain the psychedelic substance psilocybin. Thanks to it you get an effective trip. You can also use psilocybin to treat mental health. So, if you want to buy them, you’ll have a lot of shrooms edibles here. 

There are also many ways to eat shrooms. Some people want to eat them plain. However, you may not like the taste. It is why it is worth looking for other ways. Fortunately, you can choose other products that will help make eating mushrooms tastier. It can also help avoid nausea that may accompany the trip.

Shroom Tea

So, what to eat with shrooms? The first way is to make tea. You need to use the following proportions: 1g of dried mushrooms per glass of water. You need to boil water first. Then throw mushrooms inside the pan. It takes about an hour to cook. What is more, it is advised not to cook mushrooms because it can reduce their effect. When the ready to consume shrooms fall to the bottom, you can taste the tea. You can also cover them with a lid, this will speed up their cooking. In addition, you can crush the mushrooms to lower them to the bottom faster. After cooking, you can drink tea and eat mushrooms.

Lemon Tekking

One of the best ways to eat shrooms is to combine them with lemon. It is because acids make the effect of mushrooms stronger. It also comes faster. That’s why we recommend taking half your usual dose for this method. The easiest way is to cook lemon tekking. Take 1g of mushrooms and pour lemon juice. Leave for a while. Then add water and stir. You need to drink one sip. Mushrooms also need to be eaten. Another good fact is that lemon juice takes away the unpleasant sensations in the stomach while eating magic mushrooms.

Shroom Smoothie/Juice

There is a method that is best for eliminating unpleasant taste. To do this, make any smoothie you like. Then crush your mushrooms and add them to it. Beat everything again with a blender and drink. You can also use an easier way. For this, buy your favorite juice and add mushrooms there.

Eat The Shrooms Whole

You can also eat mushrooms whole. It will make the effect faster and brighter. Take your usual dose of mushrooms and rinse them. Then start chewing thoroughly. It will help your stomach digest them more easily.

Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing is a method in which you use a very small dose of magic mushrooms. Thanks to this you will not feel psychedelic effects. However, you can eliminate nervous tension and oversaturation of thoughts. It will also help you fight insomnia. It begs the question: how many shrooms should I eat to achieve this effect. You only need 0.1-0.5g. twice a week. This is certainly not the exact dosage. It all depends on the individuality of your body.